digital courses with master resell rights digital courses with master resell rights
SKILLWIZ shows women how to make money online


Buy and Resell for 100% Profit!
Launch Your Online Shop with Biz in a Box Launch Your Online Shop with Biz in a Box


Your Journey to Financial Freedom Begins Now

make money online digital products

Welcome to the start of your digital marketing journey! I understand the challenges you face—wanting to make extra income to spend more time with your family, travel the world, or simply never worry about bills again. You're in the right place, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. My name is Cat, and if you want to learn more about me, click here.

No matter where you are on your journey, I have the right tools and resources to help you succeed. Start small, grow steadily, and aim for financial freedom. Explore my offers, pick the one that suits you best, and begin your path to becoming a digital marketing boss babe. Don't wait—your financial freedom starts now!

Begin with Reselling Digital Products

One of the simplest ways to make money online is to begin with reselling low ticket digital products with Master Resell Rights (MRR) and Private Label Rights (PLR). Buy the digital products from my site, rebrand them or sell them as they are on your store. And keep all the earnings. This is a fantastic way to start your side hustle with minimal investment.
Click here to see all the digital products with MRR & PLR resell rights.

No Website? No Problem

Biz in a Box Website Setup: If you don't have a website yet, I can help. I'll fully customize your site so you can jump straight to selling digital products and making money.
Check out my Biz in a Box site setup offer here and find the option that suits you best.

Low Ticket Offers - Mini Courses with MRR

Mini Courses Bundle $67
Get 3 mini courses with almost 10 hours of tutorials. Learn digital marketing, faceless marketing, Canva, Pinterest, Reels, selling on Instagram, and more. Perfect for beginners who want a comprehensive introduction to these essential tools.

Medium Ticket Offers - Instagram Sales Courses

The Strategy: How to make 4 figures sales on Instagram: This course teaches you how to make four figures in sales using Instagram Reels, Stories, and DMs. Resell this courses for 80% commission, making it an attractive medium-ticket offer.

Special for Women Entrepreneurs

Inner Bloom - The Wealth & Wellbeing Academy: Specifically designed for women passionate about self-growth, empowerment, and financial independence. This academy covers manifestation, spirituality, women's wealth, and more. Resell this exclusive program for 100% profit and join a community of empowered women.

Premium Offers - Catalyst Collective

Lifetime Access for $299
We are a force to be reckoned with. You’re going to want in. If you’re a digital marketer stuck with course after course stuck in the abstract, nothing actionable. If you’re willing to do the work but just need hands-on, customized coaching from a true expert, no BS. If you’re sick of the blatant lack of integrity in the online money industry… If you’re new to entrepreneurship and going at this alone, just need a sounding board and tight-knit community… If you want a Harvard MBA level course but tailored to scaling a 7 figure business on Instagram…


Join this program to receive top-notch training from Brooke Shelton, a renowned business strategist and marketing expert. This isn't just about digital marketing—it's about mastering every aspect of online business. Resell this program for 70% commission.

High Ticket Offers

Ultimate Business Course (UBC) - $499: Another comprehensive course with master resell rights, ensuring you can resell for 100% profit.



Inside the MRR Mastery Module you can find DM (Direct Message) scripts designed to guide you through every step of the customer engagement process. From initiating conversations to closing deals, our DM scripts empower you with the clarity needed to communicate with customers.

UBC faceless marketing dm scripts to sell on instagram


With 270+ detailed videos, the UBC isn't just a course, it's a journey through the essentials of branding and marketing. But it doesn’t stop with the how-to's. It delves deep into mindset shifts necessary for success, daily operations, and even innovative strategies like faceless marketing.

ubc digital product how to create digital products in canva


One of the brand new modules released on the latest update, Digital Product Creation will teach you how to create your digital products from scratch using Canva. Don't worry if you're new to Canva – we'll share some handy beginner tips to get you up to speed in no time.

Dominating the digital product game means zero overhead, unlimited earnings, and an evergreen funnel – all from the comfort of your own space. No shipping, no customer service drama. Work on your terms, just a phone or computer away. No inventory headaches. Digital products are the hot zone, and we're handing you the playbook for a boss move! Grab this course, flip it for 100% profit. One sale, you've got your money back. Second sale? Boom, $499 straight to your pocket – all pure profit!

Ubc - Ultimate Branding Course Bundle With Mrr & Plr

But hurry, this incredible promo ends soon!

And this BOOMING 100 billion dollar industry can truly be done by anyone:​

  • Moms who want more time with their children
  • Students who need more money to literally SURVIVE with this economy at this point
  • Women who are just ready to make their own money but with EASE this time
  • Men who also need more time for their family
  • Anyone who is tired of seeing a measly $20 bank balance every time they open up their bank app

Everything you need to know to build an infectious brand online! Your social media brand is one of the most important assets you have because it appreciates value of everything else that you do!

Master Resell Rights means that when you buy this course, you also buy the right to re-sell it for 100% profit!

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